Articleالذکاء العاطفي وأثره على سلوکيات العاملين بالمنظمات السياحية الحکومية: دراسة حالة علي وزارة السياحة المصرية
Articleالذکاء العاطفي وأثره على سلوکيات العاملين بالمنظمات السياحية الحکومية: دراسة حالة علي وزارة السياحة المصرية
ArticleEmotional Intelligence Management Improvement Effects: Enhancing employees’ performance in the state owned hotels in Egypt
ArticleEmotional Intelligence Management Improvement Effects: Enhancing employees’ performance in the state owned hotels in Egypt
ArticleExamining the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational leadership: Evidence from Hotels and Travel Companies
ArticleExamining the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational leadership: Evidence from Hotels and Travel Companies
ArticleInvestigating the effectiveness of the performance appraisal process in the Egyptian tourism companies
ArticleInvestigating the effectiveness of the performance appraisal process in the Egyptian tourism companies
Articleدراسة مدى تطبيق العاملين للعمل العاطفى: بالتطبيق على قسم المکاتب الأمامية بالفنادق الخمس نجوم بالقاهرة
Articleدراسة مدى تطبيق العاملين للعمل العاطفى: بالتطبيق على قسم المکاتب الأمامية بالفنادق الخمس نجوم بالقاهرة
ArticleThe Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Quality of Work-Life among Tourism Companies’ Employees: The Mediating Role of Chameleon Leadership Behaviors
ArticleThe Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Quality of Work-Life among Tourism Companies’ Employees: The Mediating Role of Chameleon Leadership Behaviors
ArticleExamining the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership (A Field Study of Tourism Managers)
ArticleExamining the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership (A Field Study of Tourism Managers)