ThesisFirst trimester uterine artery Doppler, placental volume and ductus venosus blood flow as predictors of second trimester fetal growth
ThesisFirst trimester uterine artery Doppler, placental volume and ductus venosus blood flow as predictors of second trimester fetal growth
ThesisSecond trimesteric 2D and 3D ultrasonographic study of uterine artery Doppler, placental volume and location in relation to fetal outcome and pregnancy complications
ThesisSecond trimesteric 2D and 3D ultrasonographic study of uterine artery Doppler, placental volume and location in relation to fetal outcome and pregnancy complications
ThesisThe value of uterine arteryDoppler studies at mid-gestation in prediction of preeclampsia and IUGR
ThesisThe value of uterine arteryDoppler studies at mid-gestation in prediction of preeclampsia and IUGR
ThesisTransabdominal uterine artery color Doppler at 20th -24th week of gestation in high risk patient and pregnancy outcome : A prospective study
ThesisTransabdominal uterine artery color Doppler at 20th -24th week of gestation in high risk patient and pregnancy outcome : A prospective study
ThesisCorrelation between fetal renal volume and fetal renal artery Doppler in normal and growth restricted fetuses
ThesisCorrelation between fetal renal volume and fetal renal artery Doppler in normal and growth restricted fetuses
ThesisUltrasonographic study of the placental thickness and modified placental grading together with uterine artery Doppler evaluation as a predictor for adverse fetal outcome
ThesisUltrasonographic study of the placental thickness and modified placental grading together with uterine artery Doppler evaluation as a predictor for adverse fetal outcome
ThesisComparison between uterine and umbilical artery Doppler in prediction of out-come of cases of intra uterine growth restriction
ThesisComparison between uterine and umbilical artery Doppler in prediction of out-come of cases of intra uterine growth restriction