ArticleThe impact of Guest Experience Drivers on Continuous Experience of AI-powered Services: The Mediating Role of Flow State
ArticleThe impact of Guest Experience Drivers on Continuous Experience of AI-powered Services: The Mediating Role of Flow State
ArticleDiscovering the potential impact of in-flight smart amenities on traveler experience: Focal roles of in-flight service quality and airline endorsement
ArticleDiscovering the potential impact of in-flight smart amenities on traveler experience: Focal roles of in-flight service quality and airline endorsement
ArticleTourists' Perceptions Toward Using Artificial Intelligence Services in Tourism and Hospitality
ArticleTourists' Perceptions Toward Using Artificial Intelligence Services in Tourism and Hospitality
ArticleArtificial Intelligence Impact on Customer Experience: Conceptualization, and a Proposed Model
ArticleArtificial Intelligence Impact on Customer Experience: Conceptualization, and a Proposed Model
ArticleUnleashing creativity through AI collaboration: how do employees` learning behavior and wellbeing mediate?
ArticleUnleashing creativity through AI collaboration: how do employees` learning behavior and wellbeing mediate?
ArticleThe Impact of AI Applications (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality) in the Hospitality Industry: Opportunities and Challenges
ArticleThe Impact of AI Applications (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality) in the Hospitality Industry: Opportunities and Challenges
ArticleExamining Employees’ Attitudes towards the Use of Artificially Intelligent Systems in Luxury Hotels
ArticleExamining Employees’ Attitudes towards the Use of Artificially Intelligent Systems in Luxury Hotels
ArticleThe Expected Role of Robots as a Feature of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Customer Experience Elements in Restaurants: An Exploratory Study
ArticleThe Expected Role of Robots as a Feature of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Customer Experience Elements in Restaurants: An Exploratory Study
Articleالدور الوسيط لخبرة العملاء الذكية في العلاقة بين محفزات الذكاء الاصطناعي وولاء العميل: الجاهزية التكنولوجية كمتغير معدل: دراسة تطبيقية على نزلاء فنادق شرم الشيخ
Articleالدور الوسيط لخبرة العملاء الذكية في العلاقة بين محفزات الذكاء الاصطناعي وولاء العميل: الجاهزية التكنولوجية كمتغير معدل: دراسة تطبيقية على نزلاء فنادق شرم الشيخ