ThesisMicrodebrider-assisted turbinoplasty Versus submucosal cauterization in Inferior turbinate hypertrophy
ThesisMicrodebrider-assisted turbinoplasty Versus submucosal cauterization in Inferior turbinate hypertrophy
ThesisA comparative quantitative study between the effects of coblation channeling and laser turbinectomy on the mucociliary function and ciliary count of turbinate mucosa : An electron microscopy image analysis guided technique
ThesisA comparative quantitative study between the effects of coblation channeling and laser turbinectomy on the mucociliary function and ciliary count of turbinate mucosa : An electron microscopy image analysis guided technique
ThesisSeptoplasty and laser inferior turbinate mucotomy : Objective assessment by acoustic rhinometry
ThesisSeptoplasty and laser inferior turbinate mucotomy : Objective assessment by acoustic rhinometry
ThesisPost-operative evaluation of middle turbinate medialization versus basal lamella relaxing incision in endoscopic sinus surgery
ThesisPost-operative evaluation of middle turbinate medialization versus basal lamella relaxing incision in endoscopic sinus surgery