This work was conducted on 37 patients suffering from non-infectiveinferior turbinate hypertrophy causing nasal obstruction.They were dividedrandomly into two groups ;a group of 20 patients treated by carbon dioxide laser and the other group of 17 patients was treated with coblation channeling.All the patients were between 19 to 40 years to avoid the possible decline in the ciliary count due to aging.Biopsies were obtained preoperatively and nine months postoperatively andstudied by scanning electron microscopy to compare the effect of bothtreatment modalities on the ciliary count using the statistical image analysistechnique.In our study we found that coblation channeling of inferior turbinate is not associated with any significant ciliary destruction as the relation between the ciliary area(CA) pre and post treatment was insignificant (p=0.91).On the other hand we found that carbon dioxide laser turbinectomy is associated with statistically valid ciliary destruction,and that the relation between the ciliary area (CA) pre and post treatment was statistically significant (p=0.017).Coblation channeling turbinectomy was found to have better outcome on the ciliary count (mean of ciliary area =91.64%) than laser turbinectomy(mean of ciliary area=64,26%) and thus preserving more the natural function of the nose.To evaluate the mucociliary function,saccharin test was done 9 months after the intervention and showed that coblation channeling was not associated with any impairement of the mucociliary function (11,2 minutes) unlike carbon dixide laser turbinectomy which was associated with marked impairement of the mucociliary function (24.2 minutes).