Coblation (cold ablation or controlled ablation) is a new technique in soft tissue surgery. Recently the use of this new technique in treatment of snoring and sleep apnea has received a considerable research interest. Review of the available literature revealed that there are few studies dealing with coblation in treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. In our present work 40 patients with habitual heavy snoring and mild to moderate OSAS with daytime sleepiness were divided into two equal groups. The first underwent coblation palatal channeling technique with channeling of tonsils in 4 cases and the second underwent coblation palatal ablation technique with ablation of tonsils in 4 cases. So, both techniques (coblation channeling and coblation ablation) are equally effective in eliminating snoring however coblation ablation of palate ± tonsils achieves these favorable results more rapidly than coblation channeling of palate ± tonsils. While, regarding AI both techniques decreased AI significantly but the ablation technique has a more favorable results. The visual analogue scales of the pain, dysphagia, speech deficits suggested significant improvement with P Value <0.005 occurring between the second and third visit in ablation technique and between the first and second visit in the channeling group. In our study coblation proved to be safe, effective and simple with less pain and rapid return to normal activity.