ThesisPrediction of perinatal outcome in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction by Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation
ThesisPrediction of perinatal outcome in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction by Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation
ThesisColor coded dupplex ultrasonography of the uterine and umbilical arteries in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension
ThesisColor coded dupplex ultrasonography of the uterine and umbilical arteries in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension
ThesisComparison between uterine and umbilical artery Doppler in prediction of out-come of cases of intra uterine growth restriction
ThesisComparison between uterine and umbilical artery Doppler in prediction of out-come of cases of intra uterine growth restriction
ThesisRole of transcranial ultrasound and color Doppler in diagnosis of intracranial lesions in neonates and infants
ThesisRole of transcranial ultrasound and color Doppler in diagnosis of intracranial lesions in neonates and infants
ThesisUltrasound assessment of fetal renal volume and Doppler study of fetal renal blood supply in intra uterine growth restricted fetuses
ThesisUltrasound assessment of fetal renal volume and Doppler study of fetal renal blood supply in intra uterine growth restricted fetuses
ThesisFetal evaluation by umbilical and cerebral blood flow Doppler studies with neonatal evaluation in preeclamptic versus control pregnancies
ThesisFetal evaluation by umbilical and cerebral blood flow Doppler studies with neonatal evaluation in preeclamptic versus control pregnancies