ThesisTarget haemoglobin in the treatment of anaemia of chronic renal failure by recombinant human erythropoietin
ThesisTarget haemoglobin in the treatment of anaemia of chronic renal failure by recombinant human erythropoietin
ThesisSerum ferritin as a marker for iron deficiency anaemia in patients on regular haemodialysis treatment
ThesisSerum ferritin as a marker for iron deficiency anaemia in patients on regular haemodialysis treatment
ThesisPlasma hepcidin levels in hemodialysis patients relationship to iron homeostasis anemia therapy inflammation and parameters of dialysis efficiency
ThesisPlasma hepcidin levels in hemodialysis patients relationship to iron homeostasis anemia therapy inflammation and parameters of dialysis efficiency
ThesisStudy of the influence of erythropoietin treatment on hemoglobin Alc levels in diabetic patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis
ThesisStudy of the influence of erythropoietin treatment on hemoglobin Alc levels in diabetic patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis
ThesisRole of on-line haemodiafiltration in control of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease
ThesisRole of on-line haemodiafiltration in control of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease
ThesisEffect of recombinant human erythropoietin on the parathyroid function and bone density in uremic patients under regular hemodialysis
ThesisEffect of recombinant human erythropoietin on the parathyroid function and bone density in uremic patients under regular hemodialysis