ThesisImpact of HCV genotype and viral load on the hepatic pathology in Egyptian patients with chronicHCV infection
ThesisImpact of HCV genotype and viral load on the hepatic pathology in Egyptian patients with chronicHCV infection
ThesisMorphometric ultrastrutural study of nucleus and intercellular spaces in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma
ThesisMorphometric ultrastrutural study of nucleus and intercellular spaces in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma
ThesisEvaluation of the HCV seropositive isolation program among a group of Egyptian haemodialysis patients
ThesisEvaluation of the HCV seropositive isolation program among a group of Egyptian haemodialysis patients
ThesisEvidence of an assocation of diabetes mellitus and chronic hepatitic C virus infection in Egypt
ThesisEvidence of an assocation of diabetes mellitus and chronic hepatitic C virus infection in Egypt
ThesisThe significance of (SERPINI1, and QP-C) in the diagnosis of hepatocellula carcinoma in chronic HCV Egyptian patients
ThesisThe significance of (SERPINI1, and QP-C) in the diagnosis of hepatocellula carcinoma in chronic HCV Egyptian patients
ThesisStudy of the incidence of hepatitis b virus and hepatitis C virus infection among the patients on regular hemodialysis in New Kasr Elaini Teaching Hospital
ThesisStudy of the incidence of hepatitis b virus and hepatitis C virus infection among the patients on regular hemodialysis in New Kasr Elaini Teaching Hospital
ThesisThe reflection of hepatitis B virus genotyping on histopathological pattern and clinical presentation among Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis B infection
ThesisThe reflection of hepatitis B virus genotyping on histopathological pattern and clinical presentation among Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis B infection