ThesisNasal continuous positive airway pressure versus mechanical ventilation in themanagement of respiratory distress inneonates admitted to neonatalintensive care unit
ThesisNasal continuous positive airway pressure versus mechanical ventilation in themanagement of respiratory distress inneonates admitted to neonatalintensive care unit
ThesisComparative study of the role of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) versus mechanical ventilation for treatment of respiratory distress in preterm neonates
ThesisComparative study of the role of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) versus mechanical ventilation for treatment of respiratory distress in preterm neonates
ThesisComparative study between effects of CPAP recruitment maneuver versus proning during mechanical ventilation of ALI/ARDS patients
ThesisComparative study between effects of CPAP recruitment maneuver versus proning during mechanical ventilation of ALI/ARDS patients
ThesisInfluence of ventilation modes on analgesic and sedative demand and pulmonary gas exchange in patients after single valve replacement
ThesisInfluence of ventilation modes on analgesic and sedative demand and pulmonary gas exchange in patients after single valve replacement