ThesisUltrasound assessment of fetal renal volume and Doppler study of fetal renal blood supply in intra uterine growth restricted fetuses
ThesisUltrasound assessment of fetal renal volume and Doppler study of fetal renal blood supply in intra uterine growth restricted fetuses
ThesisFetal renal artery Doppler and maternal serum inhibin : A in cases with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract
ThesisFetal renal artery Doppler and maternal serum inhibin : A in cases with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract
ThesisCorrelation between fetal renal volume and fetal renal artery Doppler in normal and growth restricted fetuses
ThesisCorrelation between fetal renal volume and fetal renal artery Doppler in normal and growth restricted fetuses
ThesisPrenatal detection, intrauterine vesico-amniotic shunting and postnatal follow up of isolated lower urinary tract obstruction cases
ThesisPrenatal detection, intrauterine vesico-amniotic shunting and postnatal follow up of isolated lower urinary tract obstruction cases
ThesisSonographic evaluation of the fetal thymus and its significance as a sonographic marker in intrauterine infection
ThesisSonographic evaluation of the fetal thymus and its significance as a sonographic marker in intrauterine infection