ArticleMetal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) based 2-Amino-1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic Acid linker: Synthesis and Post-Synthetic Modification
ArticleMetal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) based 2-Amino-1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic Acid linker: Synthesis and Post-Synthetic Modification
ArticleSynthesis, Structure and Characterization of Some Metal Organic Framework Based on 4-Aminobenzoic Acid Schiff Base Linker
ArticleSynthesis, Structure and Characterization of Some Metal Organic Framework Based on 4-Aminobenzoic Acid Schiff Base Linker
ArticleSynthesis of Zirconium based metal organic frameworks (Zr-UiO-66) for enhanced adsorptive removal of water contaminants
ArticleSynthesis of Zirconium based metal organic frameworks (Zr-UiO-66) for enhanced adsorptive removal of water contaminants
ArticleSynthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of new mesoporous Sr-based oxalate-phosphate-amine MOF
ArticleSynthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of new mesoporous Sr-based oxalate-phosphate-amine MOF
ArticlePreparation and Evaluation of a material containing both micropores and mesopores as a dual-function adsorbent for removal of cationic and anionic species from aqueous solutions
ArticlePreparation and Evaluation of a material containing both micropores and mesopores as a dual-function adsorbent for removal of cationic and anionic species from aqueous solutions
ArticleTailoring Metal-Organic Frameworks for Polyurethane Foams to Improve Tetracycline Removal from Aqueous Solutions
ArticleTailoring Metal-Organic Frameworks for Polyurethane Foams to Improve Tetracycline Removal from Aqueous Solutions
ArticleCu- organic framework modified by diatomite: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies.
ArticleCu- organic framework modified by diatomite: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies.
ArticleNewly synthesized Cu-MOF based on Schiff base linker: structure, properties, method of synthesis and characterization
ArticleNewly synthesized Cu-MOF based on Schiff base linker: structure, properties, method of synthesis and characterization