ThesisUltrasound assessment of fetal renal volume and Doppler study of fetal renal blood supply in intra uterine growth restricted fetuses
ThesisUltrasound assessment of fetal renal volume and Doppler study of fetal renal blood supply in intra uterine growth restricted fetuses
ThesisCorrelation between fetal renal volume and fetal renal artery Doppler in normal and growth restricted fetuses
ThesisCorrelation between fetal renal volume and fetal renal artery Doppler in normal and growth restricted fetuses
ThesisFetal evaluation by umbilical and cerebral blood flow Doppler studies with neonatal evaluation in preeclamptic versus control pregnancies
ThesisFetal evaluation by umbilical and cerebral blood flow Doppler studies with neonatal evaluation in preeclamptic versus control pregnancies
ThesisFetal echocardiography and other biometric and Doppler studies in fetuses of diabetic mothers and their relation to fetal outcome
ThesisFetal echocardiography and other biometric and Doppler studies in fetuses of diabetic mothers and their relation to fetal outcome
ThesisPrediction of perinatal outcome in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction by Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation
ThesisPrediction of perinatal outcome in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction by Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation
ThesisA study of three dimensional sonographic fetalbrain / fetal thigh volume ratio and ductusvenosus Doppler study for assessment ofintrauterine fetal growth in high riskpregnancy
ThesisA study of three dimensional sonographic fetalbrain / fetal thigh volume ratio and ductusvenosus Doppler study for assessment ofintrauterine fetal growth in high riskpregnancy
ThesisBiophysical profile, umbilical artery blood flow and fetal arterial blood flow in assessment of fetal outcome in the high risk pregnancy
ThesisBiophysical profile, umbilical artery blood flow and fetal arterial blood flow in assessment of fetal outcome in the high risk pregnancy
ThesisFirst trimester uterine artery Doppler, placental volume and ductus venosus blood flow as predictors of second trimester fetal growth
ThesisFirst trimester uterine artery Doppler, placental volume and ductus venosus blood flow as predictors of second trimester fetal growth