ThesisUltrastructural study of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with urinary bladder carcinoma
ThesisUltrastructural study of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with urinary bladder carcinoma
ThesisProspective clinical study onthe value of nuclear matrixprotein (NMP22) as a urinarytumor marker in the diagnosisand follow up of patients withbladder cancer
ThesisProspective clinical study onthe value of nuclear matrixprotein (NMP22) as a urinarytumor marker in the diagnosisand follow up of patients withbladder cancer
ThesisImmunohistochemical evaluation of cytokeratins 7 and 20in different subtypes of renal cell carcinomas and renaloncocytomas
ThesisImmunohistochemical evaluation of cytokeratins 7 and 20in different subtypes of renal cell carcinomas and renaloncocytomas
ThesisUrinary hyaluronic acid : A marker forbladder cancer detection and evaluation of aggressiveness
ThesisUrinary hyaluronic acid : A marker forbladder cancer detection and evaluation of aggressiveness
ThesisThe value of various prostate cancer tumor markers in early detection, diagnosis, follow up and monitoring of the treatment
ThesisThe value of various prostate cancer tumor markers in early detection, diagnosis, follow up and monitoring of the treatment