ThesisScreening of non-asthmatic chronic chest troubles in the outpatient chest clinic in a 6 months period from 1st of January 2007
ThesisScreening of non-asthmatic chronic chest troubles in the outpatient chest clinic in a 6 months period from 1st of January 2007
ThesisEpidemiological profile of acute respiratory diseases admitted to the emergency department in the pediatric specialized Hospital Cairo University
ThesisEpidemiological profile of acute respiratory diseases admitted to the emergency department in the pediatric specialized Hospital Cairo University
ThesisHospitalization for respiratory disease among infants and young children at Cairo University Teaching Hospitals
ThesisHospitalization for respiratory disease among infants and young children at Cairo University Teaching Hospitals
ThesisScreening and management of different grades ofpulmonary hypertension in Neonatal IntensiveCare Unit of Cairo University Pediatric Hospital
ThesisScreening and management of different grades ofpulmonary hypertension in Neonatal IntensiveCare Unit of Cairo University Pediatric Hospital
ThesisEpidemiological features and quality of life in school age asthmatic children in Cairo : Community-based study
ThesisEpidemiological features and quality of life in school age asthmatic children in Cairo : Community-based study
ThesisEvaluation of respiratory problems in premature neonates admitted to Elmonira Hospital, Intensive Care Unit during the year 2007
ThesisEvaluation of respiratory problems in premature neonates admitted to Elmonira Hospital, Intensive Care Unit during the year 2007