ThesisAssessment of therapeutic effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationin radiculopathic pain
ThesisAssessment of therapeutic effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationin radiculopathic pain
ThesisComparative study between the Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy, ultrasonic therapy and classic treatment on tennis elbow (Luateral Epicondylitis)
ThesisComparative study between the Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy, ultrasonic therapy and classic treatment on tennis elbow (Luateral Epicondylitis)
ThesisComparative study between transforaminal and interlaminar epidural injection of steroids in lumbar radiculopathy due to single level disc herniation
ThesisComparative study between transforaminal and interlaminar epidural injection of steroids in lumbar radiculopathy due to single level disc herniation
ThesisComparative study between transforaminal and interlaminar epidural injection of steroids in lumbar radiculopathy due to single level disc herniation
ThesisComparative study between transforaminal and interlaminar epidural injection of steroids in lumbar radiculopathy due to single level disc herniation
ThesisAssessment of neuroplastic changes in cervical radicular pain using somatosensory evoked potential studies
ThesisAssessment of neuroplastic changes in cervical radicular pain using somatosensory evoked potential studies