ThesisDoppler velocimetry of the cerebroplacental ratio and the amniotic fluid index in predicting perinatal outcome in postterm pregnancy
ThesisDoppler velocimetry of the cerebroplacental ratio and the amniotic fluid index in predicting perinatal outcome in postterm pregnancy
ThesisEvaluation of sonographic measurement of fetal abdominal circumference and cerebroplacental Doppler ratio for the diagnosis of fetal macrosomia
ThesisEvaluation of sonographic measurement of fetal abdominal circumference and cerebroplacental Doppler ratio for the diagnosis of fetal macrosomia
ThesisFetal middle cerebral and umbilical arteries Doppler velocimetry and amniotic fluid volume in the surveillance of postterm pregnancy
ThesisFetal middle cerebral and umbilical arteries Doppler velocimetry and amniotic fluid volume in the surveillance of postterm pregnancy
ThesisThe value of cerebro-placental ratio as a predictor of neonatal outcome in post-date pregnancies
ThesisThe value of cerebro-placental ratio as a predictor of neonatal outcome in post-date pregnancies
ThesisCerebroplacental doppler ratio versus sonographic parameters for prediction of fetal macrosomia
ThesisCerebroplacental doppler ratio versus sonographic parameters for prediction of fetal macrosomia
ThesisDoppler velocimetry of the fetal Middle cerebral & Umbilical artery, & Amniotic fluid volume in the surveillance of prolonged pregnancy, & their effect on mode of delivery & neonatal outcome
ThesisDoppler velocimetry of the fetal Middle cerebral & Umbilical artery, & Amniotic fluid volume in the surveillance of prolonged pregnancy, & their effect on mode of delivery & neonatal outcome
ThesisA study of three dimensional sonographic fetalbrain / fetal thigh volume ratio and ductusvenosus Doppler study for assessment ofintrauterine fetal growth in high riskpregnancy
ThesisA study of three dimensional sonographic fetalbrain / fetal thigh volume ratio and ductusvenosus Doppler study for assessment ofintrauterine fetal growth in high riskpregnancy
ThesisUltrasonographic study of the placental thickness and modified placental grading together with uterine artery Doppler evaluation as a predictor for adverse fetal outcome
ThesisUltrasonographic study of the placental thickness and modified placental grading together with uterine artery Doppler evaluation as a predictor for adverse fetal outcome
ThesisFetal evaluation by umbilical and cerebral blood flow Doppler studies with neonatal evaluation in preeclamptic versus control pregnancies
ThesisFetal evaluation by umbilical and cerebral blood flow Doppler studies with neonatal evaluation in preeclamptic versus control pregnancies