ThesisGenetically induced bone grafting material as a substitute for harvested autogenous bone graft in bone defects: Experimental study
ThesisGenetically induced bone grafting material as a substitute for harvested autogenous bone graft in bone defects: Experimental study
ThesisClinical and radiographic evaluation of healingof bone defects in the jaw after usingBio-Gen® as a grafting material
ThesisClinical and radiographic evaluation of healingof bone defects in the jaw after usingBio-Gen® as a grafting material
ThesisThe effect of addition of autogenous boneto bioactive glass on the outcome of bonehealing in surgically created defects : An experimental study
ThesisThe effect of addition of autogenous boneto bioactive glass on the outcome of bonehealing in surgically created defects : An experimental study
ThesisAnalysis of osteopromotivefactors ininduced membrane formed around mandibular bone defects : An experimental study
ThesisAnalysis of osteopromotivefactors ininduced membrane formed around mandibular bone defects : An experimental study
ThesisIN vivo comparison of bio-gen andnano-bone in surgically induceddefects in rabbit tibia : Histological, morphometric and radiographic studies
ThesisIN vivo comparison of bio-gen andnano-bone in surgically induceddefects in rabbit tibia : Histological, morphometric and radiographic studies