ThesisA study of the vascular pattern of the undescended testis and the role of laparoscopy in its management
ThesisA study of the vascular pattern of the undescended testis and the role of laparoscopy in its management
ThesisLaparoscopic comparative study between isolated testicular vein ligation versus combined testicular and cremasteric veins ligation in treatment of testicular varicocele
ThesisLaparoscopic comparative study between isolated testicular vein ligation versus combined testicular and cremasteric veins ligation in treatment of testicular varicocele
ThesisLaparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty with complete versus incomplete dissection of distal sac of inguinoscrotal hernia
ThesisLaparoscopic inguinal hernioplasty with complete versus incomplete dissection of distal sac of inguinoscrotal hernia
ArticleScrotal Orchiopexy and Classic Inguinal Orchiopexy for Unilateral Palpable Undescended Testes: A Randomized Case-Control Study
ArticleScrotal Orchiopexy and Classic Inguinal Orchiopexy for Unilateral Palpable Undescended Testes: A Randomized Case-Control Study