Varicocele is an abnormal tortousity and dilatation of testicularveins. It affect 15 % of adult males and 41% of those who present withinfertility. Varicocele formation is commonly held to be dependant uponincompetence or absence of the testicular veins valves and/or increasedhydrostatic pressure. It is thought to be the most correctable cause ofmale infertility. Its surgical correction via laparoscopy is nowadays, anexcellent alternative to other options. It has the ability to visualize allvaricose veins clearly as well as to identify and hence, to preserve thetesticular artery. The present study was conducted on 24 patientspresenting and diagnosed with a primary varicocele. They were randomlyallocated into two groups according to the extent of ligation during transperitoneal laparoscopic varicocelectomy viz with ligation of testicularveins only (group A) or with an attempt at simultaneous ligation of boththe testicular and cremasteric veins (group B). Post operative (1 month)duplex scan and 3 months seminal analysis were chosen to asses efficacyof the ligational procedure .The results of this study showed that, therewas no statistically significant difference between both groups as regard ;mean age, incidence of bilaterality, post operative duplex results,incidence of post operative complications as well as post operativerecurrence rate.