ArticleUPLC-QTOF-MS/MS Based Identification of Bioactive Compounds from Garcinia livingstonei Leaves and Evaluation of their Antioxidant and Antiarthritic Activities
ArticleUPLC-QTOF-MS/MS Based Identification of Bioactive Compounds from Garcinia livingstonei Leaves and Evaluation of their Antioxidant and Antiarthritic Activities
ArticleLC-ESI-MS/MS Analysis of Bioactive Metabolites from Streptomyces rochei with Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Cytotoxic Properties
ArticleLC-ESI-MS/MS Analysis of Bioactive Metabolites from Streptomyces rochei with Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Cytotoxic Properties
ArticlePhytochemical Constituents of Ulva Lactuca and Supplementation to Improve The Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Haemato-Biochemical Status
ArticlePhytochemical Constituents of Ulva Lactuca and Supplementation to Improve The Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Haemato-Biochemical Status
ArticleEvaluation of Anticancer Activities of Ulva Lactuca Ethanolic Extract On Colorectal Cancer Cells
ArticleEvaluation of Anticancer Activities of Ulva Lactuca Ethanolic Extract On Colorectal Cancer Cells
ArticlePhytochemical, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory screening of the Egyptian Ulva lactuca methanolic extract
ArticlePhytochemical, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory screening of the Egyptian Ulva lactuca methanolic extract
ArticleGC/MS identification and applications of bioactive seaweed extracts from Mediterranean coast of Egypt
ArticleGC/MS identification and applications of bioactive seaweed extracts from Mediterranean coast of Egypt
ArticleUPLC-ESI-MS Analysis of Secondary Metabolites from Tamarix Aphylla With Its In-Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Microbial Activities
ArticleUPLC-ESI-MS Analysis of Secondary Metabolites from Tamarix Aphylla With Its In-Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Microbial Activities
ArticleExtracts of the green algae Ulva prolifera possess antioxidant and antibacterial activities in vitro
ArticleExtracts of the green algae Ulva prolifera possess antioxidant and antibacterial activities in vitro
ArticleBiochemical and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Marine Algae Sargassum Wightii and Gracilaria Edulis Extracts
ArticleBiochemical and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Marine Algae Sargassum Wightii and Gracilaria Edulis Extracts