ArticleStudy of patterns and drives of utilization and Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure in selected groups in Cairo-Egypt
ArticleStudy of patterns and drives of utilization and Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure in selected groups in Cairo-Egypt
ArticleThe Causal Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Egypt during the period from 1980 to 2019
ArticleThe Causal Relationship between Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Egypt during the period from 1980 to 2019
ArticlePolicy Aspects and the Causal Relationship between Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in Egypt
ArticlePolicy Aspects and the Causal Relationship between Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in Egypt
ArticleThe correlation between health care and the purple economy its impact on sustainable development in Egypt
ArticleThe correlation between health care and the purple economy its impact on sustainable development in Egypt
Articleالعلاقة بين التطور المالي والنموالإقتصادي في مصر خلال الفترة (1990– 2018): دراسة تحليلية قياسية
Articleالعلاقة بين التطور المالي والنموالإقتصادي في مصر خلال الفترة (1990– 2018): دراسة تحليلية قياسية