ArticleWhat Challenges Affect Women work in the Hotel industry? Evidence from Five Star hotels in Cairo
ArticleWhat Challenges Affect Women work in the Hotel industry? Evidence from Five Star hotels in Cairo
ArticleDeterminants of Career Progression and Examining Challenges of Female Employees in the Egyptian Five star Hotels
ArticleDeterminants of Career Progression and Examining Challenges of Female Employees in the Egyptian Five star Hotels
ArticleHuman resources management practices in the tourism organizations and their role in improving the employee performance: A study on a sample of women working in the tourism sector
ArticleHuman resources management practices in the tourism organizations and their role in improving the employee performance: A study on a sample of women working in the tourism sector
ArticleExploring The Factors Affecting Low Female Students’ Enrollment in The Hotel Management Department at Governmental Universities
ArticleExploring The Factors Affecting Low Female Students’ Enrollment in The Hotel Management Department at Governmental Universities
Articleالتحديات التي تواجه إدارة الموارد البشرية وأثرها على الأداء الکلي في صناعة الضيافة العالمية ( الفنادق متعددة الجنسية ) : دراسة ميدانية
Articleالتحديات التي تواجه إدارة الموارد البشرية وأثرها على الأداء الکلي في صناعة الضيافة العالمية ( الفنادق متعددة الجنسية ) : دراسة ميدانية