ThesisAssociation between XmnI γG-158 (C/T) gene polymorphism and hemoglobin F level in Egyptian sickle cell disease patient
ThesisAssociation between XmnI γG-158 (C/T) gene polymorphism and hemoglobin F level in Egyptian sickle cell disease patient
ArticleThe prevalence of HBG2 polymorphism among Beta Thalassemia major Children in El Minia Governorate and its correlations with HbF level.
ArticleThe prevalence of HBG2 polymorphism among Beta Thalassemia major Children in El Minia Governorate and its correlations with HbF level.
ArticleSNP in Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (−308 A/G) Gene Association with HCV Infected Thalassemia Patients
ArticleSNP in Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (−308 A/G) Gene Association with HCV Infected Thalassemia Patients
ArticleGenotype–phenotype association in alpha-thalassemia cohort in a population with high prevalence of alpha and beta-thalassemia: importance of genetic screening
ArticleGenotype–phenotype association in alpha-thalassemia cohort in a population with high prevalence of alpha and beta-thalassemia: importance of genetic screening
ArticleThe role of Interferon- γ Receptor-1 Gene (-56 T < C) polymorphism in development of susceptibility to pulmonary Tuberculosis in Central Sudan
ArticleThe role of Interferon- γ Receptor-1 Gene (-56 T < C) polymorphism in development of susceptibility to pulmonary Tuberculosis in Central Sudan
ArticleClinical and hematoloical complications in children with sickle-cell disease at Assuit University Children Hospital
ArticleClinical and hematoloical complications in children with sickle-cell disease at Assuit University Children Hospital
ArticleThe Association of Prothrombin G20210 Gene Polymorphism and Risk of Thrombosis in B.Thalassemic Children in Egypt
ArticleThe Association of Prothrombin G20210 Gene Polymorphism and Risk of Thrombosis in B.Thalassemic Children in Egypt