ArticleThe Effect of MALL on Enhancing Vocabulary for EFL Students in Egypt in Light of Teachers’ Perceptions
ArticleThe Effect of MALL on Enhancing Vocabulary for EFL Students in Egypt in Light of Teachers’ Perceptions
ArticleThe Effectiveness of the Mobile Learning in Developing Oral Fluency Among preparatory School Students
ArticleThe Effectiveness of the Mobile Learning in Developing Oral Fluency Among preparatory School Students
ArticleMobile Assisted -Language Learning (MALL) as a New Challenging Linguistic Sphere in English Learning : Its Impact on English Communicative Skills of Egyptian ESP Students
ArticleMobile Assisted -Language Learning (MALL) as a New Challenging Linguistic Sphere in English Learning : Its Impact on English Communicative Skills of Egyptian ESP Students
Articleفاعلية التعلم الجوال فى تنمية المهارات الميتا قرائية العلمية وفهم الرسوم التعليمية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية
Articleفاعلية التعلم الجوال فى تنمية المهارات الميتا قرائية العلمية وفهم الرسوم التعليمية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية
ArticleThe Effect of Using Mobile Learning on the Achievement of Third Grade Students in Arabic Language and Their Attitudes towards It
ArticleThe Effect of Using Mobile Learning on the Achievement of Third Grade Students in Arabic Language and Their Attitudes towards It
ArticleUsing Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Approach for Developing Prospective Teachers' EFL Listening Comprehension Skills and Vocabulary Learning
ArticleUsing Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Approach for Developing Prospective Teachers' EFL Listening Comprehension Skills and Vocabulary Learning
ArticleUsing Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Applications to Improve Students Teachers' EFL Descriptive Writing Skills and Motivation Towards English Language
ArticleUsing Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Applications to Improve Students Teachers' EFL Descriptive Writing Skills and Motivation Towards English Language
Articleبرنامج لتنمية المفردات التراثية عبر الهاتف النقال قائم على المزج بين التعليم الصريح والضمني وأثره في تنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي للنصوص التراثية لدى الناطقين بغير العربية AMobile
Articleبرنامج لتنمية المفردات التراثية عبر الهاتف النقال قائم على المزج بين التعليم الصريح والضمني وأثره في تنمية مهارات الفهم القرائي للنصوص التراثية لدى الناطقين بغير العربية AMobile
ArticleUsing a Program Based on Mobile Computer - Supported Collaborative Learning and Social Media Applications in Developing Student Teachers' EFL Creative Reading Skills and Cultural
ArticleUsing a Program Based on Mobile Computer - Supported Collaborative Learning and Social Media Applications in Developing Student Teachers' EFL Creative Reading Skills and Cultural