The major aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and functionalization of employing MALLapps for vocabulary instruction in Egypt's public schools. The study was conducted through the 2022/2023 academic year. This study used a descriptive questionnaire to explore how EFL teachers feel about functionalizing vocabulary MALLapplications. The sample that was chosen was purposefully chosen and consists of close to 200 EFL instructors. These EFL teachers are a part of a Whats App network of EFL teachers who own digital mobile devices and are enthusiastic about their EFL MALLapplications. Six categories were used to split the questionnaire. Specific objects are included in each category. There are 26 total items, and there are four options for each: strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Every categorization has between two and five questions to gauge EFL teachers' opinions on how running MALLapps affects Young learners' vocabulary development. Results revealed that vocabulary MALLapplications have a significant positive impact on vocabulary acquisition and teaching in general. Due to its potential and usefulness among learners, mobile based vocabulary instruction (MBVI) was preferred over traditional vocabulary instruction (TVI) by EFL teachers who thought MALLapps were simple and efficient. Students must be well-prepared for vocabulary MALLapplications, and classrooms must be more mobile-friendly. EFL teachers must therefore be adept at both technology and pedagogy.