Articleالضغوط النفسية لدى الأسر غير المستقرين اجتماعيا لـذوي الاعـاقـة الذهنيـة وفقـا لبعـض المتغـيرات The Psychological Stresses Among Socially Unstable Families of Individuals with In
Articleالضغوط النفسية لدى الأسر غير المستقرين اجتماعيا لـذوي الاعـاقـة الذهنيـة وفقـا لبعـض المتغـيرات The Psychological Stresses Among Socially Unstable Families of Individuals with In
ArticleRelationship between Parenting Stress and Social Support among Mothers of Children with Different Disabilities
ArticleRelationship between Parenting Stress and Social Support among Mothers of Children with Different Disabilities
ArticleEffect of Psycho-Educational Program on Psychological Stress and Resilience Among Families Caring for Children with Intellectual Disability
ArticleEffect of Psycho-Educational Program on Psychological Stress and Resilience Among Families Caring for Children with Intellectual Disability
ArticleSocial stigma against individuals’ families recovering from COVID-19 and the role of social work in confronting it
ArticleSocial stigma against individuals’ families recovering from COVID-19 and the role of social work in confronting it
ArticleThe dynamic of social interaction between the disabled and the normal in the light of two concepts: Stigma and identity
ArticleThe dynamic of social interaction between the disabled and the normal in the light of two concepts: Stigma and identity