ArticleChemical characterization of the petroleum ether fraction of Paralemnalia thyrsoides soft coral using Gas Chromatography-Mass analysis
ArticleChemical characterization of the petroleum ether fraction of Paralemnalia thyrsoides soft coral using Gas Chromatography-Mass analysis
ArticleGC/MS identification and applications of bioactive seaweed extracts from Mediterranean coast of Egypt
ArticleGC/MS identification and applications of bioactive seaweed extracts from Mediterranean coast of Egypt
ArticleCytotoxic and Antileishmanial Activities of the Red Sea Soft Coral Sarcophyton glaucum Extract and Some of Its Isolates
ArticleCytotoxic and Antileishmanial Activities of the Red Sea Soft Coral Sarcophyton glaucum Extract and Some of Its Isolates
ArticleChemical Assessment and Anticancer Activity Study of Diverse Marine Organisms From Red Sea Riviera
ArticleChemical Assessment and Anticancer Activity Study of Diverse Marine Organisms From Red Sea Riviera
ArticleQualitative GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial activity of volatiles from Carthamus lanatus (L.) growing in Egypt
ArticleQualitative GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial activity of volatiles from Carthamus lanatus (L.) growing in Egypt
ArticleGC-MS analysis of bioactive components in six different crude extracts from the Soft Coral (Sinularia maxim) collected from Ras Mohamed, Aqaba Gulf, Red Sea, Egypt
ArticleGC-MS analysis of bioactive components in six different crude extracts from the Soft Coral (Sinularia maxim) collected from Ras Mohamed, Aqaba Gulf, Red Sea, Egypt