ArticleUsing Teaching Activities for Developing Some Receptive Language Skills determined in the light of The (ABLLS-R) at children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Integrated in Primary Schools
ArticleUsing Teaching Activities for Developing Some Receptive Language Skills determined in the light of The (ABLLS-R) at children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Integrated in Primary Schools
Articleتنمية مهارات الاستماع والقراءة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية بطيئي التعلم باستخدام إستراتيجية الحواس المتعددةVAKT) )
Articleتنمية مهارات الاستماع والقراءة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية بطيئي التعلم باستخدام إستراتيجية الحواس المتعددةVAKT) )
ArticleThe Effect of a Brain-based Learning Strategy on Developing The Reading Comprehension Skills of Faculty of Specific Education Prospective Teachers
ArticleThe Effect of a Brain-based Learning Strategy on Developing The Reading Comprehension Skills of Faculty of Specific Education Prospective Teachers
ArticleUsing Games_Based Assessment to Develop English Oral Reading Fluency Skills of Primary stage Pupils استخدام التقييم القائم على الألعاب في تنمية مهارات طلاقة القراءة الشفهية باللغ
ArticleUsing Games_Based Assessment to Develop English Oral Reading Fluency Skills of Primary stage Pupils استخدام التقييم القائم على الألعاب في تنمية مهارات طلاقة القراءة الشفهية باللغ
ArticleInvestigating the effect of using some Multiple Intelligences activities on improving some English reading Comprehension skills for dyslexic sixth graders
ArticleInvestigating the effect of using some Multiple Intelligences activities on improving some English reading Comprehension skills for dyslexic sixth graders
Articleبرنامج قائم على مدخل تعليم اللغة المرتکز إلى المهام لعلاج صعوبات تعلم القراءة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية.
Articleبرنامج قائم على مدخل تعليم اللغة المرتکز إلى المهام لعلاج صعوبات تعلم القراءة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية.
ArticleUsing "Rhyming Centered Instruction" for Developing EFL Phonological Awareness Skills Among First Year Primary Stage Pupils
ArticleUsing "Rhyming Centered Instruction" for Developing EFL Phonological Awareness Skills Among First Year Primary Stage Pupils
ArticleThe Effectiveness of Personalized Learning Model in Developing Intensive English Reading Skills among Preparatory Stage Pupils
ArticleThe Effectiveness of Personalized Learning Model in Developing Intensive English Reading Skills among Preparatory Stage Pupils
ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Constructivism-Based Program in Developing Some English Reading and Writing Skills of Prep School Students and Their Attitudes
ArticleThe Effectiveness of a Constructivism-Based Program in Developing Some English Reading and Writing Skills of Prep School Students and Their Attitudes