ThesisPrevalence and interventional management of possible renal artery stenosis in hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease
ThesisPrevalence and interventional management of possible renal artery stenosis in hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease
ThesisComparative study of the carotid artery properties and cardiac profile between kidney transplant recipients and chronic dialysis patients
ThesisComparative study of the carotid artery properties and cardiac profile between kidney transplant recipients and chronic dialysis patients
ThesisUltrasound based monitoring of atherosclerosis and signs of systemic inflammation in chronic renal failure patients
ThesisUltrasound based monitoring of atherosclerosis and signs of systemic inflammation in chronic renal failure patients
ThesisAsymmetric dimethylarginine,C-reactive proteinand carotid intima media thickness in chronicrenal failure patients on regular hemodialysis
ThesisAsymmetric dimethylarginine,C-reactive proteinand carotid intima media thickness in chronicrenal failure patients on regular hemodialysis
ThesisA study on the relationship between parameters of renal osteodystrophy and the development of peripheral and aortic vascular calcification in chronic renal failure patients
ThesisA study on the relationship between parameters of renal osteodystrophy and the development of peripheral and aortic vascular calcification in chronic renal failure patients