ThesisExpandable versus foldable acrylic intraocular lenses in phacoemulsification : A comparative study
ThesisExpandable versus foldable acrylic intraocular lenses in phacoemulsification : A comparative study
ThesisEvaluation of Acrysof phakic angle-supported intraocular lens for the correction of moderate to high myopia
ThesisEvaluation of Acrysof phakic angle-supported intraocular lens for the correction of moderate to high myopia
ThesisA comparative clinical study between the outcomes of the AcrySof Toric intraocular lens and peripheral corneal relaxing incisions in the management of patients with both cataract and astigmatism
ThesisA comparative clinical study between the outcomes of the AcrySof Toric intraocular lens and peripheral corneal relaxing incisions in the management of patients with both cataract and astigmatism