ThesisPrediction of preterm labor using clinical scoring, vaginal ultrasonography and maternal serum alpha - fetoprotein
ThesisPrediction of preterm labor using clinical scoring, vaginal ultrasonography and maternal serum alpha - fetoprotein
ThesisMultiple markers screening to predict fetal chromosomal abnormalities and pregnancy complications
ThesisMultiple markers screening to predict fetal chromosomal abnormalities and pregnancy complications
ThesisThe role of prenatal screening in predicting pregnancy complications and genetic abnormalities in the second trimester of pregnancy
ThesisThe role of prenatal screening in predicting pregnancy complications and genetic abnormalities in the second trimester of pregnancy
ThesisBiophysical profile, umbilical artery blood flow and fetal arterial blood flow in assessment of fetal outcome in the high risk pregnancy
ThesisBiophysical profile, umbilical artery blood flow and fetal arterial blood flow in assessment of fetal outcome in the high risk pregnancy