ThesisDoppler and transvaginal ultrasound study in cases using intrauterine contraceptive devices with abnormal uterine bleeding
ThesisDoppler and transvaginal ultrasound study in cases using intrauterine contraceptive devices with abnormal uterine bleeding
ThesisUltrasonographic and Doppler findings in abnormal uterine bleeding in intrauterine contraceptive device users
ThesisUltrasonographic and Doppler findings in abnormal uterine bleeding in intrauterine contraceptive device users
ThesisThe role of 3d ultrasonography and Doppler studies in correlation withhysteroscopy and histopathology indiagnosis of abnormal uterine bleedingin premenopausal women
ThesisThe role of 3d ultrasonography and Doppler studies in correlation withhysteroscopy and histopathology indiagnosis of abnormal uterine bleedingin premenopausal women
ThesisThree-dimensional ultrasonographic assessment of abnormal uterine bleeding in intrauterine contraceptive device users
ThesisThree-dimensional ultrasonographic assessment of abnormal uterine bleeding in intrauterine contraceptive device users
ThesisUltrasonographic findings in abnormal uterine bleeding in intrauterine contraceptive device users
ThesisUltrasonographic findings in abnormal uterine bleeding in intrauterine contraceptive device users
ThesisRole of combined uterine artery Doppler and β-human chorinic gonadotrophin in predicting pregnancy related hypertensive diseases and fetal growth restriction
ThesisRole of combined uterine artery Doppler and β-human chorinic gonadotrophin in predicting pregnancy related hypertensive diseases and fetal growth restriction
ThesisComparative study between 3-D ultrasound and hysteroscopy in assessment of abnormal uterine bleeding and pain associated with IUD
ThesisComparative study between 3-D ultrasound and hysteroscopy in assessment of abnormal uterine bleeding and pain associated with IUD
ThesisUterine artery Doppler changes and endometrial morphology assessment in various progestins contraceptives
ThesisUterine artery Doppler changes and endometrial morphology assessment in various progestins contraceptives