According to the results of this study, it was found that the majority ofcases complaining of pain and bleeding with IUD have well placed IUD thus thereis no doubt that the cause of bleeding in IUD users in those cases do not correlatewith the position of the IUD. IUCD presence, per say, regardless its position inthe uterine cavity can cause menorrhagia. 3D coronal view of the uterus may bean important part of the gynecological ultrasound examination in any patient withan IUCD. Producing a coronal view of the IUCD that show the entire device andits position within the uterus may help to explain pelvic pain and bleeding inpatients with malpositioned IUCDs. Also, it allows better reliability in detectingabnormalities in endometrial cavity such as polyps, submucous myomas,adenomyosis and any adenexial masses such as ovarian cysts, which was found tobe the cause of bleeding and pain with IUCD in many cases. 3D U/S can guide thepatient and the gynecologist to do other procedures, especially in cases of persistentbleeding and pain with IUCD and the 3D U/S was normal or showing a focallesion in the endometrial cavity. Hysteroscope act as a complementary method to3D U/S in absence of any other causes of abnormal uterine bleeding and pain with IUCD diagnosed by 3D U/S. However, since the sample number is small, itmight be difficult to confirm these results and give recommendations upon them.It is also proposed that further research would be done on this topic to confirm ornegate these results.