The first IUCD was introduced by Richter in 1909, since then many types of IUCDs were introduced. It was reported that IUCDs are used by over than 100 million women in the world. Intra uterine contraceptive device induced irregular vaginal bleeding is one of the most common complications for many women using this method. Abnormal uterine bleeding due to IUCD is considered iatrogenic dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The recent use of transvaginal ultrasound is proved to provide clear images of the uterus revealing its exact size, position, myometrium and endometrium. It was reported that the position of the IUCD inside the uterine cavity is related to the occurrence of bleeding. The IUCD-F, IUCD-M, IUCD-E, IUCD-IO distances were measured using the transvaginal ultrasound and can be used as a good predictors for the occurrence of bleeding in IUCD users. This study revealed that there is a direct relationship between the IUCD-F, IUCD-M, IUCD-E distances and amount of bleeding, however there was a reciprocal relation ship between the IUCD-IO distance and the amount of bleeding.