ThesisStudy of the hemostatic functions of blood in pre-eclampsia and role of oxidative stress in its pathogenesis
ThesisStudy of the hemostatic functions of blood in pre-eclampsia and role of oxidative stress in its pathogenesis
ThesisThe relation between plasma concentration of osteopontin, matrix metalloprotinase-2 and severity of diabetes mellitus
ThesisThe relation between plasma concentration of osteopontin, matrix metalloprotinase-2 and severity of diabetes mellitus
ThesisChanges in uteroplacental circulation inpregnant diabetics and its effect on theoutcome of pregnancy
ThesisChanges in uteroplacental circulation inpregnant diabetics and its effect on theoutcome of pregnancy
ThesisThe potential role of placental protein -13 as a first trimester marker for preeclampsia in pregnant females
ThesisThe potential role of placental protein -13 as a first trimester marker for preeclampsia in pregnant females