ThesisA comparison between two frictionless brackets and one conventional bracket : An in-vitro study
ThesisA comparison between two frictionless brackets and one conventional bracket : An in-vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of the first class appliance with and without anterior anchorage for molar distalization
ThesisEvaluation of the first class appliance with and without anterior anchorage for molar distalization
ThesisA comparison of friction resistance between 3 types of ceramic brackets in combination with different types of wires
ThesisA comparison of friction resistance between 3 types of ceramic brackets in combination with different types of wires
ThesisAnchorage control using miniscrews Vs essix appliance in treatment of adult class II malocclusion using Carrière motion appliance: A randomized clinical trial
ThesisAnchorage control using miniscrews Vs essix appliance in treatment of adult class II malocclusion using Carrière motion appliance: A randomized clinical trial
ThesisCorticotomy facilitated orthodontics using piezosurgery versus rotaryinstruments : An experimental study
ThesisCorticotomy facilitated orthodontics using piezosurgery versus rotaryinstruments : An experimental study