ThesisSelection of potent Probiotic bacterial strain and suitable delivery form to inhibit Mutans streptococci : An in vitro study
ThesisSelection of potent Probiotic bacterial strain and suitable delivery form to inhibit Mutans streptococci : An in vitro study
ThesisEffect of a functional dairy product containing different sugar substitutes (sucrose, xylitol and stevia) on salivary Mutans Streptococci count in experimental rats : Randomized a
ThesisEffect of a functional dairy product containing different sugar substitutes (sucrose, xylitol and stevia) on salivary Mutans Streptococci count in experimental rats : Randomized a
ThesisSalivary immunoglobulin A among a group of children with early childhood caries versus caries free children and their corresponding mothers
ThesisSalivary immunoglobulin A among a group of children with early childhood caries versus caries free children and their corresponding mothers
ThesisEffect of functional dairy products containing stevia and xylitol sugar substitutes on enamel surface remineralization in experimental rats : Animal study
ThesisEffect of functional dairy products containing stevia and xylitol sugar substitutes on enamel surface remineralization in experimental rats : Animal study
ThesisEffect of dental treatment on bacterial blood count in children with multiple dentoalveolar septic foci
ThesisEffect of dental treatment on bacterial blood count in children with multiple dentoalveolar septic foci
ThesisEvaluation of oral hygiene practices and gingival health condition in a group of down syndrome children: Observational study
ThesisEvaluation of oral hygiene practices and gingival health condition in a group of down syndrome children: Observational study
ThesisPreoperative and postoperative evaluation of children treated under general anaesthesia regarding dental discomfort questionnaire, body mass index and salivary streptococcus mutan
ThesisPreoperative and postoperative evaluation of children treated under general anaesthesia regarding dental discomfort questionnaire, body mass index and salivary streptococcus mutan