ThesisAssessment of the accuracy of computer generatedsurgical guide stent for implant placement usingthe All On Four concept
ThesisAssessment of the accuracy of computer generatedsurgical guide stent for implant placement usingthe All On Four concept
ThesisAssessment of the accuracy of computer generated surgical guide stent for implant placement using the All on Four Concept : A clinical study
ThesisAssessment of the accuracy of computer generated surgical guide stent for implant placement using the All on Four Concept : A clinical study
ThesisAccuracy of implant placement using computer aided milled versus selective laser sintered computer aided surgical guides: A randomized controlled trial
ThesisAccuracy of implant placement using computer aided milled versus selective laser sintered computer aided surgical guides: A randomized controlled trial
ThesisAccuracy of cone beam computed tomographyand multi-slice computed tomography in virtualimplant planning and fabrication of computerizedsurgical stent: A comparative study
ThesisAccuracy of cone beam computed tomographyand multi-slice computed tomography in virtualimplant planning and fabrication of computerizedsurgical stent: A comparative study
ThesisThe accuracy of implant placement using tooth versus tissue supported computer aided surgical guides : A randomized controlled trial
ThesisThe accuracy of implant placement using tooth versus tissue supported computer aided surgical guides : A randomized controlled trial
ThesisAccuracy of implant placement using maxillary and mandibular tissue supported computer aided surgical guides
ThesisAccuracy of implant placement using maxillary and mandibular tissue supported computer aided surgical guides
ThesisAccuracy of implant placement using tissue supported single drill versus full sequence computer aided surgical guides
ThesisAccuracy of implant placement using tissue supported single drill versus full sequence computer aided surgical guides
ThesisEvaluation of the accuracy of cone beam computed tomography-based registration and multislice computed tomography-based registration for oral and maxillofacial surgery : In vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of the accuracy of cone beam computed tomography-based registration and multislice computed tomography-based registration for oral and maxillofacial surgery : In vitro study
ThesisThe effect of manufacturing technique, storage and sterilization on the accuracy of computer aided implant surgical guides: An in vitro study
ThesisThe effect of manufacturing technique, storage and sterilization on the accuracy of computer aided implant surgical guides: An in vitro study
ThesisThe accuracy of implant placement using short versus long sleeve computer aided surgical guide : Split mouth technique randomized clinical trial
ThesisThe accuracy of implant placement using short versus long sleeve computer aided surgical guide : Split mouth technique randomized clinical trial