ArticleEnhancing the Customer Brand Engagement through Brand Authenticity: The Mediating Role of Marketing Agility
ArticleEnhancing the Customer Brand Engagement through Brand Authenticity: The Mediating Role of Marketing Agility
ArticleExamining the Impact of Content Marketing on Advertising Effectiveness: A Study on the Egyptian Market for Passenger Automobiles
ArticleExamining the Impact of Content Marketing on Advertising Effectiveness: A Study on the Egyptian Market for Passenger Automobiles
ArticleThe Mediating Role of Customer Relationship Management between Social Media Marketing and a Bank’s Image: Evidence from Emerging Countries
ArticleThe Mediating Role of Customer Relationship Management between Social Media Marketing and a Bank’s Image: Evidence from Emerging Countries
ArticleThe Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management between Social Media Networks and Service Quality
ArticleThe Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management between Social Media Networks and Service Quality
Articleالدور الوسيط لليقظة الإستراتيجية فى العلاقة بين أدوات التسويق الرقمي والجودة المدركة للعميل (دراسة تطبيقية على عملاء شركات الاتصالات بمحافظة الدقهلية)
Articleالدور الوسيط لليقظة الإستراتيجية فى العلاقة بين أدوات التسويق الرقمي والجودة المدركة للعميل (دراسة تطبيقية على عملاء شركات الاتصالات بمحافظة الدقهلية)