ArticleSynthesis, Structure and Characterization of Some Metal Organic Framework Based on 4-Aminobenzoic Acid Schiff Base Linker
ArticleSynthesis, Structure and Characterization of Some Metal Organic Framework Based on 4-Aminobenzoic Acid Schiff Base Linker
ArticlePreparation, characterization and adsorption activity of highly porous metal-organic framework; MOF-199
ArticlePreparation, characterization and adsorption activity of highly porous metal-organic framework; MOF-199
ArticleSynthesis and characterization of functionalized cerium and zirconium metal-organic frameworks as novel solid acid catalysts for hydrogen generation
ArticleSynthesis and characterization of functionalized cerium and zirconium metal-organic frameworks as novel solid acid catalysts for hydrogen generation
ArticleSynthesis,Mechanisms and Different Applications of Mesoporous Materials Based on Silica and Alumina
ArticleSynthesis,Mechanisms and Different Applications of Mesoporous Materials Based on Silica and Alumina
ArticleSynthesis, characterization and application of pure and modified tin (IV) Phosphate with sulfamic acid
ArticleSynthesis, characterization and application of pure and modified tin (IV) Phosphate with sulfamic acid
ArticleNewly synthesized Cu-MOF based on Schiff base linker: structure, properties, method of synthesis and characterization
ArticleNewly synthesized Cu-MOF based on Schiff base linker: structure, properties, method of synthesis and characterization
ArticleSynthesis and Characterization of Feldspar Aluminosilicate Minerals/MCM-48 Composite, Micropore and Mesopore Framework
ArticleSynthesis and Characterization of Feldspar Aluminosilicate Minerals/MCM-48 Composite, Micropore and Mesopore Framework
ArticleSynthesis and Microstructure Characterization of Novel Sr-HA Prepared by Co-precipitation with Enhanced Bioactivity
ArticleSynthesis and Microstructure Characterization of Novel Sr-HA Prepared by Co-precipitation with Enhanced Bioactivity
ArticleMetal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) based 2-Amino-1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic Acid linker: Synthesis and Post-Synthetic Modification
ArticleMetal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) based 2-Amino-1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic Acid linker: Synthesis and Post-Synthetic Modification