ArticleRole of combined hysteroscopy and transvaginal ultrasound in evaluation of tubal patency in infertile women
ArticleRole of combined hysteroscopy and transvaginal ultrasound in evaluation of tubal patency in infertile women
ThesisThe role of combined transvaginal sonography and diagnostic hysteroscopy in the assessment of tubal patency in infertile women in correlation to laparoscopic chromopertubation
ThesisThe role of combined transvaginal sonography and diagnostic hysteroscopy in the assessment of tubal patency in infertile women in correlation to laparoscopic chromopertubation
ThesisThe role of saline contrast sonohysterography, hysterosalpingography and diagnostic hysteroscopy in assessment of the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity in secondary infertile patients
ThesisThe role of saline contrast sonohysterography, hysterosalpingography and diagnostic hysteroscopy in assessment of the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity in secondary infertile patients
ThesisSonohysterography versus hysterosalpingography and diagnostic laparoscopy in assessment of tubal patency in cases of female infertility
ThesisSonohysterography versus hysterosalpingography and diagnostic laparoscopy in assessment of tubal patency in cases of female infertility
ThesisThe role of sonohysterography in correlation with hysteroscopy in diagnosis of hysterosalpingographically suspicious uterine cavity lesions in infertile women
ThesisThe role of sonohysterography in correlation with hysteroscopy in diagnosis of hysterosalpingographically suspicious uterine cavity lesions in infertile women
ArticleEvaluation of Vaginoscopic versus Traditional Office Hysteroscopy in Nulliparous Infertile Patients (prospective Cohort study)
ArticleEvaluation of Vaginoscopic versus Traditional Office Hysteroscopy in Nulliparous Infertile Patients (prospective Cohort study)
ArticlePrognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic value of hysterosalpingography after salpingostomy in patients with hydrosalpinx
ArticlePrognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic value of hysterosalpingography after salpingostomy in patients with hydrosalpinx
ArticleHysteroscopic Evaluation of Tubal Patency Using Bubble Sign in Comparison to Diagnostic Laparoscopy
ArticleHysteroscopic Evaluation of Tubal Patency Using Bubble Sign in Comparison to Diagnostic Laparoscopy