ArticlePersectives of Academic Staff and Graduate Students on the Effects of Globalisation on Cultural Identity in Saudi Arabia: A case Study
ArticlePersectives of Academic Staff and Graduate Students on the Effects of Globalisation on Cultural Identity in Saudi Arabia: A case Study
Articleالتعليم الدولي بين الهوية الثقافية القومية والتعددية الثقافية: دراسة تحليلية ورؤية نقدية International Education between National Cultural Identity and Multiculturalism: An Analy
Articleالتعليم الدولي بين الهوية الثقافية القومية والتعددية الثقافية: دراسة تحليلية ورؤية نقدية International Education between National Cultural Identity and Multiculturalism: An Analy
ArticleA Comparative Study of Transdisciplinarity in Some Foreign Universities and the Possibility of Benefiting from it in the Egyptian Universities
ArticleA Comparative Study of Transdisciplinarity in Some Foreign Universities and the Possibility of Benefiting from it in the Egyptian Universities