ArticleA field study on some economically important plants with therapeutic uses in southwest Sinai, Egypt
ArticleA field study on some economically important plants with therapeutic uses in southwest Sinai, Egypt
ArticleA field study of some plants of medicinal and economic importance in Wadi Feiran, South Sinai, Egypt
ArticleA field study of some plants of medicinal and economic importance in Wadi Feiran, South Sinai, Egypt
ArticleComparative Phytochemical and Biological Study for Mesembryanthemum Nodiflorum and Aptenia Cordifolia Plants Growing in Egypt
ArticleComparative Phytochemical and Biological Study for Mesembryanthemum Nodiflorum and Aptenia Cordifolia Plants Growing in Egypt
ArticleIn Vitro Comparative Antimicrobial Potential of Bioactive Crude and Fatty acids Extracted from Abundant Marine Macroalgae, Egypt
ArticleIn Vitro Comparative Antimicrobial Potential of Bioactive Crude and Fatty acids Extracted from Abundant Marine Macroalgae, Egypt
ArticleHabitat preference, phytochemical constituents and biological potency of four Egyptian Mediterranean halophytes
ArticleHabitat preference, phytochemical constituents and biological potency of four Egyptian Mediterranean halophytes
ArticlePhytochemical screening and anticancer activities of some terrestrial and aquatic plants growing in saline habitat
ArticlePhytochemical screening and anticancer activities of some terrestrial and aquatic plants growing in saline habitat
ArticleA Survey Study on some Halophytes Growing in the Damietta Coastal Area Referring to its Botanical and Ecological Significance
ArticleA Survey Study on some Halophytes Growing in the Damietta Coastal Area Referring to its Botanical and Ecological Significance
ArticleEvaluation of bioactive phytochemical characterization, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antihemolytic properties of some seaweeds collected from Red Sea coast, Egypt.
ArticleEvaluation of bioactive phytochemical characterization, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antihemolytic properties of some seaweeds collected from Red Sea coast, Egypt.