ArticlePredicting Egyptian Customers’ Intention to Use Financial Technology Services in Banking Sector in the era of COVID-19: Testing a Mediating Role of Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) model
ArticlePredicting Egyptian Customers’ Intention to Use Financial Technology Services in Banking Sector in the era of COVID-19: Testing a Mediating Role of Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) model
ArticleThe Effect of Bank Attributes and Customer Characteristics on Bank Selection Decisions "An Empirical Investigation of Islamic Bank Customers in Egypt”
ArticleThe Effect of Bank Attributes and Customer Characteristics on Bank Selection Decisions "An Empirical Investigation of Islamic Bank Customers in Egypt”
ArticleThe Relationship Between Fintech And Market Share “An Applied Study On Banking Sector in Egypt”
ArticleThe Relationship Between Fintech And Market Share “An Applied Study On Banking Sector in Egypt”
Articleالعلاقة بين العدالة الإلكترونية المدركة وعواطف العملاء ال إيجابية لعملاء الإنترنت المصرفي بالبنوك التجارية في مصر
Articleالعلاقة بين العدالة الإلكترونية المدركة وعواطف العملاء ال إيجابية لعملاء الإنترنت المصرفي بالبنوك التجارية في مصر
ArticleDeterminants of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Egyptian Commercial Banks “A Proposed Model
ArticleDeterminants of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Egyptian Commercial Banks “A Proposed Model