ArticleThe Impact of Big Data Predictive Analytics on Firm Performance: The Role of Cloud ERP and Business Intelligence Integration
ArticleThe Impact of Big Data Predictive Analytics on Firm Performance: The Role of Cloud ERP and Business Intelligence Integration
ArticleA Proposed Big Data Analytics Quality (BDAQ) Model for Improving Firm Performance with a Case Study
ArticleA Proposed Big Data Analytics Quality (BDAQ) Model for Improving Firm Performance with a Case Study
ArticleBig Data Analytics and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of Direct and Mediating Effects
ArticleBig Data Analytics and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of Direct and Mediating Effects
ArticleThe Role of Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain “3Fs”: Financial Reporting, Financial Decision Making and Financial Performance “An Applied Study”
ArticleThe Role of Big Data Analytics in Supply Chain “3Fs”: Financial Reporting, Financial Decision Making and Financial Performance “An Applied Study”
ArticleA Comparative Study between the Opportunities Resulting from Incorporating Big Data into the Accountancy Profession and the Associated Requirements and Challenges
ArticleA Comparative Study between the Opportunities Resulting from Incorporating Big Data into the Accountancy Profession and the Associated Requirements and Challenges
ArticleThe impact of Big Data Analytics in Developing Strategic Performance using Balanced Scorecard: A Field Study in Egypt
ArticleThe impact of Big Data Analytics in Developing Strategic Performance using Balanced Scorecard: A Field Study in Egypt
ArticleMeasuring the effect of using business intelligence techniques in enhancing profits of Small and Medium Enterprises
ArticleMeasuring the effect of using business intelligence techniques in enhancing profits of Small and Medium Enterprises
Articleأثر دمج القدرة التحليلية للبيانات الضخمة فى نظم المعلومات المحاسبية على جودة التقارير المالية وانعكاسها على الكفاءة الاستثمارية
Articleأثر دمج القدرة التحليلية للبيانات الضخمة فى نظم المعلومات المحاسبية على جودة التقارير المالية وانعكاسها على الكفاءة الاستثمارية