ArticleUsing gamification tools in creating design techniques for building products for autism children
ArticleUsing gamification tools in creating design techniques for building products for autism children
Article" برنامج (صحي – حركي – وظيفي ) باستخدام اللعب لتنمية المهارات الحركية لأطفال اضطراب طيف "(ASD) التوحد
Article" برنامج (صحي – حركي – وظيفي ) باستخدام اللعب لتنمية المهارات الحركية لأطفال اضطراب طيف "(ASD) التوحد
ArticleIntegrating behavioural and occupational therapy using a computer visual system to reduce sensory stimulation in children with autism spectrum disorder
ArticleIntegrating behavioural and occupational therapy using a computer visual system to reduce sensory stimulation in children with autism spectrum disorder
ArticleEffect of Gamified Electronic Application on Selected Outcomes among School Age Children with Asthma
ArticleEffect of Gamified Electronic Application on Selected Outcomes among School Age Children with Asthma
ArticleThe impact of small water games on the level of aggressive behavior and social withdrawal in children with autism
ArticleThe impact of small water games on the level of aggressive behavior and social withdrawal in children with autism
ArticleThe impact of small water games on the level of aggressive behavior and social withdrawal in children with autism
ArticleThe impact of small water games on the level of aggressive behavior and social withdrawal in children with autism
ArticleEffect of selected play activities along with music therapy on social and stereotype behaviors among school age children with autism
ArticleEffect of selected play activities along with music therapy on social and stereotype behaviors among school age children with autism