ArticleTransformative interior architecture to create functionally and environmentally sustainable educational spaces
ArticleTransformative interior architecture to create functionally and environmentally sustainable educational spaces
ArticleToward a Practical Methodology for Improving the quality of Interior Design of Educational Spaces from a Sustainable Perspective
ArticleToward a Practical Methodology for Improving the quality of Interior Design of Educational Spaces from a Sustainable Perspective
Articleالتصميم الداخلى المستدا م لقاعات التصميم بکليات الفنون لمواجهة التغير المناخى فى القرن الحادى والعشرين
Articleالتصميم الداخلى المستدا م لقاعات التصميم بکليات الفنون لمواجهة التغير المناخى فى القرن الحادى والعشرين
Articleدور نظام اإليكوتك في تطوير تصميم الفراغ التعليمي الجامعي The role of Eco-tech system in developing the design of University Education Space
Articleدور نظام اإليكوتك في تطوير تصميم الفراغ التعليمي الجامعي The role of Eco-tech system in developing the design of University Education Space
ArticleIntegration of the Urban Design of University Campus with Educational Goals Within Modern Technology Applications
ArticleIntegration of the Urban Design of University Campus with Educational Goals Within Modern Technology Applications