The university is the pinnacle of raising the intellectual, cultural and scientific level in the era of knowledge and informatics. It is the responsibility of universities to lead to achieve a sustainable future with the knowledge and technologies they provide that enable the university to provide all the requirements of sustainability for the entire environment ,From this point of view, it was necessary to conduct many studies that we will discuss in this study, as it turned out that we, as interior designers, must start applying new standards for designing spaces, including, for example, taking into account the advanced foundations for studying the elements of design (flooring.., ventilation) and determine the environmental standards that will affect all beneficiaries of the university (leaders, ,). And because architecture is a mirror that reflects the culture of society and expresses the identity and personality of the designer, the designer sought in his designs for spaces to apply the features of green buildings in the university university, and to activate this. First, the difference between sustainability and sustainable development and its relationship to the internal and external design of the university will be clarified, and then the axes of green universities classification and their importance to all beneficiaries (university administration, ..) will be clarified. This will be followed by an analytical study of an Egyptian university that achieves distinct environmental standards, and finally an applied study on another university on its way to achieving the standards of green universities in a distinctive way