Article汉阿工具论元配位方式的对比分析及其语言类型学解释 Contrastive Study of the Instrument Argument Syntactic Arrangement in Chinese and Arabic and Its Typological Linguistics Explanation
Article汉阿工具论元配位方式的对比分析及其语言类型学解释 Contrastive Study of the Instrument Argument Syntactic Arrangement in Chinese and Arabic and Its Typological Linguistics Explanation
Articleإشكاليات ترجمة الالتفات بين اللغتين العربية والصينية (دراسة تقابلية) 汉语转品辞格与阿语转连修饰的翻译问题 --对比研究 " Translation Issues of Enallage Between Arabic and Chinese (Comparative Study)"
Articleإشكاليات ترجمة الالتفات بين اللغتين العربية والصينية (دراسة تقابلية) 汉语转品辞格与阿语转连修饰的翻译问题 --对比研究 " Translation Issues of Enallage Between Arabic and Chinese (Comparative Study)"